Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Test Automation with Selenium

I have designed test automation frameworks based on Visual Test, QTP, and Winrunner for a long time and started working with Selenium (about an year back) an open-source test automation tool. Very interesting and powerful tool that allows testers to use multiple languages (Java, .Net, Perl, Python, and Ruby) to code in.

Best thing is that it is open-source and hence free for anyone to use. A number of product companies are identifying the power of this tool. Check it out at here.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

look at the back of the business cards

Well, it is Saturday evening and I was watching a movie and surfing on the net and found some interesting stuff. One of my colleagues recently mentioned about site and I got hooked to it since then. It has some wonderful and useful information on it. This is where i found an article posted by Hugh MacLeod called How To Be Creative.

Though this an old post (Oct 2004) I decided to download it and check it out. Once I started reading I was really thrilled by the idea and the website Hugh mentioned in the article called Very interesting idea and novel by any standard, I think. I was laughing at some of the cartoons he made (I guess he made tens of thousands by now) and really enjoyed them.

I wanted to share this article and the site information with someone immediately. Hence this blog. Check it out when you find time.